February 3, 2025
…are a touring team from Down-Under and based in Ballarat (marker Kees’ alma-mater) but with representation from all-over Oz. They have returned to the UK this year to take in the East having swept through the West in 2016.
The Wanderers wandered in to the Home of Real Tennis last Saturday for a splendid afternoon of Tennis and trying to avoid (in my case) watching the drama unfolding at Headingley. “Don’t mention the cricket” was my pained request as we got underway at 1pm. for 6 Singles at 4 Doubles. The early going went in CURTC’s favour but helped by ‘Wanderer for the Day’ Ben from Adelaide, our visitors clawed back through a back and forth 8-7 win in the 2nd Doubles after we had finally got our nose in front to lead 7-6…
The denouement proved to be the final Doubles on the candy striped ‘Green’ Court with the match score tied at 4-all. The Wanderers took an early lead as the Cambridge pair refined their calling technique after a couple of shots fell uncontested down the middle of the Court. One point saw both pairs impressively switch positions mid rally and the marker very nearly lose it. Again the Cambridge pair (TK and Fiona Brown) led for the first time at 7-6 before Ben & Cora Trevarthen cranked it up a notch to take the set and our give our visitors a 5-4 win. Matters on Court concluded it was time to return to the Clubroom to thank Kees and hope that there was some Rosé left (there was) and the cricket was still not being talked about (the sound had been muted so I guess that was good enough)
And then Sunday dawned, but I did promise not to mention the cricket…
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