February 22, 2025
Please let us know if you are interested in playing in the Earthworks doubles league (details below).
The 2017 Earthworks Cambridge Doubles League will commence at the start of October and finish early December. The team format will be the same as the Tayabali & White singles League except each team will only play each of the other teams once (i.e. not home and away) and as each evening will be for a total duration of 2 hours (6 p.m. to 8 p.m.), with each player on court for 1 hour 20 minutes, we suggest the provision of food and beverage will not be necessary.
The scheduling of match days for the various divisions is below.
Monday – Division 1 (Below 45)
Tuesday – Division 2 (45 – 55)
Wednesday – Division 3 (55 -65)
Thursday – Division 4 (65 -80)
Each team will play in 4 matches. On a given match day 3 of the 5 team members will be selected (by their captain) to compete. Each player will compete in 2 doubles matches ie with each of his/her two team mates against his/her opposite number. Each match will be off handicap and will be “the first to win a set to seven games”. All matches will be marked, the cost being £14.50 per person per evening includes marking & court fees
Please sign up HERE
With best wishes,
The CURTC Pros
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