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Tayabali Tomlin & White Singles League, 2016

Posted on July 16, 2016 | in Cambridge League, NewsTicker | by

logo_ttandw_50Around 125 people from Handicap 2 to 85 played in The Tayabali Tomlin & White Singles between January & July 2016.

We would like to congratulate you for making the TT&W league so enjoyable over the season with the hosting of meals after the matches.

Furthermore, we would like to thank the Captains for their organisation of their teams & extend our gratitude to Simon White and to Imram Tayabali of TT &W for their sponsorship.

Congratulations to the division winners (listed below) who will now have the opourtunity to battle against each other in the Champions League in the last 2 weeks of September.

Division 1
CU Students,
Jimmy Campbell (c), Alex Evans, Nick Worsnop, Ed Kay & Andy Webster

Division 2
Tayabali Tomlin & White,
Imran Tayabali (c), Simon White, Paul Robison, John Lees, Gerald Smith & Shaun Ruffles

Division 3
Mark Law (c), Howard Mason, Guy Kirk & Stuart Laing

Division 4
Hit n’Hope,
Richard Bowers (c), Andrew Rowson, Simon Hirtzel, Hugh Markus & Richard Brown

Division 5
Richard Jones, James Keatley, Ollie Brenton & Sara Hawkins

Apologies to anyone we have missed out who filled in for these teams


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