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April Fools Day – CURTC In Manchester TAGS: | The Manchester club is in aspic and so much more charming for it. The wooden panelled walls bear sepia-tinted sporting photos and hunting trophies in equal measure and you’d swear the lighting was gas. It’s more than just a real tennis club….

Inter University Cup, sponsored by the Dedanists and Pol Roger TAGS: | | | | The Annual Inter-University Tournament hosted 41 real tennis players from 6 Uni’s, supported by the Dedanist’s Foundation

Inter University Handicap Singles TAGS: | | | | Once all the teams had battled with the snow on the drive down to Cambridge, the stage was set and it was time to battle it out on court to …Continue reading →

Men’s Varsity TAGS: | | | The 2023 Cambridge Men’s Varsity Team who will be facing off against Oxford this Friday and Saturday, Thanks @Pol_Roger, @grayssince1855 and @HomeOfCricket

Women’s Varsity Team TAGS: | | | | It all happens this Friday and Saturday at Lord’s…

Pre Varsity Tournament TAGS: | The students spent this Saturday evening at the club polishing their serve spins and finalising doubles’ strategies. Numerous competitive singles and doubles matches were played off level in preparation for Varsity, and the sporty evening full of emotions lasted until late.

Pt 3: Women’s Varsity 2nds TAGS: | The Men’s and Women’s 2nds Varsity are both on the Blue Court this Friday (24th) and Saturday (25th). Hopefully the stream will be working but to be sure of catching …Continue reading →

Busy Weekend: Pt 2 Men’s Varsity 2nds TAGS: | This weekend sees the return of the Varsity 2nds match to Cambridge on Friday, 24th, and Saturday, 25th. Please come along to the club and support our teams if you …Continue reading →

Busy weekend for our student players: Pt 1 CURTC Ladies visit Newmarket TAGS: | On Sunday morning, 6 CURTC Ladies set off to Newmarket for an away match. For many of us, it was the first time playing on a different court to Cambridge, …Continue reading →

CURTC At Narnia, Sunday, 19th Feb, circa 1950 TAGS: | Travel south for an hour then west for another and you’ll be met by a toll booth where admission to Narnia is gained only on the production of six florins. Payment made…

Finals Day, Saturday February 18th TAGS: Please come along to the Club and support our worthy Finalists!

Varsity Team Announcement TAGS: | | | At the kind invitation of the Master of St John’s and CURTC member Herbie, the teams for this year’s Varsity Match sponsored by Pol Roger hosted by the MCC at Lords under the auspices of the Tennis & Rackets Association, @Pol_Roger, @HomeOfCricket, @TRA_Ltd, @OxRealTennis

A Hatfield Day Out, Sunday January 15th TAGS: | Camice Revier’s win at 5 all, 40 all in the third to start the day followed by Alasdair Bovaird and Jonathan Wallach’s two set romp suggested the day was ours. And then it all went wrong. In true Cambridge fashion…

Dr Nigel Brown, O.B.E. TAGS: Sadly, we report that Nigel died peacefully on January 19th, 2023.

National School Girls Level Singles and Doubles Championships U19 @Wellington 14/15 January 2023 Congratulations to Bella Harvey who reached the Final of the Singles and went one better by winning the Doubles!

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Please phone 01223 357106 or e-mail if you cannot login

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…and Supporter!

CURTC, Cambridge, CB3 9DJ

Giraffe Club: CURTC Alumni

CURTC Membership Form: All Members
