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A Hoyport Awayday

Posted on June 1, 2023 | in Match Report, Membership | by

On arrival, he was hopeful…

Hello, I’m Mrs Brooke, the rather cute, if I say so myself, German Shepherd you’ll occasionally see at the club with the Reviers. On Saturday last I joined them on one of their cute little wanderings to another club which they told me was in Barkshire so, of course, I just had to go. An hour and a half asleep in the back of the car and we were there. It really was worth the journey. It’s a beautiful club, especially in the May sunshine, built over what was a swimming pool in the grounds of who knows what.

He who feeds me…

Tom Nicoll shows how to win at Hoyport

The day started well with the younger Revier, Camice, winning a three setter amidst much laughter. Then it was his turn, the older Revier. He’s two different players. This time the loser turned up. Sometimes he just enjoys himself. I do wish he’d take it more seriously more often. The third match was our Tom Nicoll against their Ben Hobkinson. We sneaked Tom is as a bandit. That they’d done the same with Ben had the pair deliver a match way better than their mid 60s handicaps. My highlight was playing with the Hobkinson children, 10 and 8, who’d found themselves a dog to play with all day. Christie Marian had said he’d never won at Holyport and, indeed, didn’t break his duck though this time he put up a better defence.

I liked Holyport. It’s a bright, clean, welcoming club and their pro, Josh, was excellent company. If this was a tennis awayday, I might do a few more. If they’ll have me. I can just see myself lunching on the veranda at Queen’s or prowling the dedans at Hampton Court and think what fun I could have among the blazers at Lord’s.

In sport, Brooke.

As for the tennis, of course it was a draw. It’s what Cambridge do.


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