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Posted on September 17, 2024 | in Gallery, Giraffe, Match Report | by

NtVM10 Saturday

Over 41 matches, the Lighter Shade of Blue prevailed in the 10th Anniversary ‘Not the Varsity Match’ between alumni of our place and the other place. Highlights were too many too mention but congratulations are due to those with 100% records including Ulla Petti, Chris Lintott, Jonathan Clark and other(s) whose name(s) escape(s) me. However, as it not unusual, the MVP trophy went somewhat off piste but with worthy winners in Daniel-Konrad Cooper and Sarah Lambie, clearly the Most Valuable Parents.

NtVM10 Saturday evening and Sunday

Many thanks to Kees and Peter who put in marathon marking stints over the two days. Also thanks to the Kitchens and Catering staff at St Johns for a dinner worthy of such a milestone along with Team Bailey for the design of the splendid shirts. And of course special thanks to our sponsor Pol Roger for their generous support and encouragement.

We look forward to the next of these encounters at the twin Courts of Radley and Oxford in a year’s time.

Link to a Google Photos Album of the individual photos from above

and Link to the Full Results

and finally the NVtM10 Caption Competition…



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