CURTC Annual Subscriptions
TAGS: Direct Debit | GoCardless …to be collected via Direct Debit CURTC is changing how it collects annual subscriptions. To make this easier and more convenient for members the Club will now collect all annual subscriptions by direct debit on October 1st.
Battle of the *URTC’s
TAGS: Middlesex University | MURTC An intrepid band of CURTC members battled the remnants of Storm Babet and Network Rail’s ‘brilliant’ strategy for dealing with aforesaid remnants to visit MURTC in Hendon last weekend. Nestled …Continue reading →
East Anglian Pennant 2023
TAGS: EAP | Hatfield CURTC opening with an impressive 4-2 away win at Hatfield Real tennis Club on Thursday12th October. This kicks off this year EAP tournament, matches involve 4 singles and 2 doubles …Continue reading →
Old Rugbeians take the spoils (and wine)
TAGS: Ol' Rugbeians The Old Rugbeians visited earlier today and CURTC, gracious hosts that we are, allowed them to take the honours on court and then keep the wine at their end of …Continue reading →
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