March 28, 2025
Nonetheless, Jimmy rattled off the first two games including a Winning Gallery as Amanda (Murphy) worked out not playing shots was actually more important than playing them and she promptly reeled off the next 4 games. The quantity (if not the quality) of the advice for Jimmy was ramping as he found his range plus an number of edges and ledges round the court as he met Amanda’s 4 games and raised her one to lead 7-4 in the Pro set.
At this point the Dedans starting baying for a Grille which Jimmy obliging went for and duly missed on several occasions. Again, Amanda was deftly leaving everything she didn’t need to play and thumped a few she did need to causing Jimmy to look a little rattled. 7-All, 40:30 Amanda and Jimmy plays one right down the middle of the Court. ‘Leave it’ was the silent roar from the Dedans not that Amanda needed any reminding. It fell Four giving Amanda this year’s bragging rights, the choice of the red or white wine and avenging Sophie’s narrow loss by the same score last year.
Many thanks to our valiant Captains and Peter for coolly marking some tight calls.
Click on the Thumbnails for much larger images!
*Several brave souls attended the AGM and asked some pertinent questions (and got some answers too). The bottom line is that the Club had a successful year on and off Court and has a number of new initiatives which hopefully will become apparent in and around the Club over the next few months. We welcome Vix Harvey as a new Committee member but sadly will miss Jane Philmore, Johnathan Spence & Bernie Carpenter who have stepped down.
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