March 25, 2025
The Tennis & Rackets Association ( is the National Governing Body for Real Tennis in the UK. Members of CURTC are associate members of the T&RA
The Intl Real Tennis Professionals Association ( – all the latest official results and information on every club and professional in the world, including the national real tennis league (Cambridge have two teams, both in the Premier League)
Realtennisonline ( – a site set up to provide a single global handicap database.
The Ladies Real Tennis Association ( is an association devoted to the promotion of the game by and for the Ladies amongst our members.
Real Tennis Australia has details of the Autralian Open and Real Tennis from the land of Rob Fahey but hasn’t been updated fro a few years.
The United States Court Tennis Association ( is a good site for those interested in playing Real Tennis on the other side of the pond.
The Dutch Real Tennis Association ( has some great history articles
The Irish Real Tennis Association ( who have played their annual championships here at CURTC have a website which details their fight to get their Dublin court restored to its former glory.
The Comité Français de Courte-Paume is a French-language site covering Real Tennis, the clubs and competitions in France and some of the history of Real Tennis’ ancestors.
A directory of Clubs in the UK from the Tennis & Rackets Association
The Cambridge News article from 2014
Just found this for all you old Court spotters out there!
You Told Us….