CURTC’s 2025 30 Category Tournament
TAGS: 30 | Category | Peter Group matches: Lots of 7-alls and a nail-biting quarter final also going to the last possible game! Semis: 8/7 Josh Elliott beat Colin Clifton-Brown, great match Colin came back from …Continue reading →
2nd’s Varsity Wrap-up
TAGS: 2nds | Giraffe | Kees | Mark | Peter | varsity A light blue tide swept through CURTC last Friday and Saturday. Our visitors battled man (and woman) fully but faced a strange court and a strong and focussed Cambridge squad. …Continue reading →
CURTC’s 2025 50 Category Tournament…
TAGS: 50 | Category | Peter … was won by James Wilson 8/6 vs Ed Furst despite Ed’s spirited comeback. James finished with a cut volley into the winning gallery! Ed lost to Alan Sharpe in …Continue reading →
TAGS: caption competition | Kees | NtVM | Peter | Pol Roger Over 41 matches, the Lighter Shade of Blue prevailed in the 10th Anniversary ‘Not the Varsity Match’ between alumni of our place and the other place. Highlights were too many …Continue reading →
CURTC Win The Peter Luck-Hille Cup
TAGS: Peter | Peter Luck-Hille Cup | PLHC In the final of the Peter Luck-Hille Cup at the Wellington Real Tennis Court, CURTC represented by 3 players from Parkside Community College, overcame Wellington College 5/1 to win this …Continue reading →
Taster Session
TAGS: Peter | Taster Fresh from a successful row up the Thames in this year’s Boat Race, Kenny Coplan dropped in to CURTC for a taster session with Peter!
149th Varsity Match Highlights
TAGS: Ivo | Kees | Lord's | Peter | Pol Roger | varsity Another must watch video edited by Jacqueline Siu
Inter-Universities Cup & Tournament
TAGS: Ben | India | inter-universities | Ivo | Kees | Marc | Peter Thanks to everyone who took part in the Inter-Universities Cup and Tournament at @cam_tennis this past weekend!
The Dutch, 4/1/20
TAGS: Mark | Peter | The Dutch A New Decade’s visit from our friends across the North Sea.
Blue Court
TAGS: Blue Court | Kees | Peter Remember the Hessian?
In case you missed the e-mails…
TAGS: Kees | NW Brown | Peter | SST NW Brown Wealth Management Singles and Doubles League and Summer Season Ticket (SST) 2019
Behind the Scenes, part 2
TAGS: DofE | Ed | Jimmy | Kees | Matt | Olivia | Peter Of course, the DofE tennis challenge at Cambridge couldn’t have taken place without a large crew of volunteers. With apologies to those I missed, here are a few pictures in …Continue reading →
Queen’s visit in the Brodie Cup
TAGS: Brodie | Peter | Queens The Captain made it back in time and more importantly brought a magnificent lunch with him. He was….
Tayabali & White League, 2017
TAGS: Jimmy | Peter | T&W Around 120 people from Handicap 11 to 93 played in The Tayabali & White League between January & July 2017.
2016 Tayabali Tomlin & White Champions League…
TAGS: Champions League | Peter | TT&W … is underway. Some staggering handicap differences are being played!
You Told Us….