Pol Roger Cup TAGS: Alex | Ed | Jules | Pol Roger Cambridge move on to the semi-finals following a 3-2 win at Moreton Morrell. Thanks to Keith Beechener for the pix!
March 25, 2025
Pol Roger Cup TAGS: Alex | Ed | Jules | Pol Roger Cambridge move on to the semi-finals following a 3-2 win at Moreton Morrell. Thanks to Keith Beechener for the pix!
CURTC get Stuck on M4 and come Unstuck on Court TAGS: Holyport | Jules It was off to Holyport on Saturday and off we certainly were (with one notable exception). Our trip down was almost asymptotic, the closer we got, the slower we crawled. But eventually we arrived to see some (unscheduled)…
CURTC vs Petworth, Semi Final of the Pol Roger Trophy… TAGS: Ed | Jamie | Jimmy | Jules | Pol Roger CURTC vs Petworth, Semi Final of the Pol Roger Trophy is this Sunday (29th) @CURTC. It all starts at 11am. The best of the best will be on Court so please come along and cheer them on…
British Open Update from Ed and Jules…. TAGS: British Open | Ed | Jules Cambridge were represented by two players at the 2015 British Open at the Queens Club. First up was Ed Kay against current amateur champion Conor Medlow. With the format being …Continue reading →
CURTC vs Jesters, 7/11/15 TAGS: Alex | Jesters | Jules What is/are a Jester(s), you might ask? Well it turns out they a) ‘were founded in England in 1929
CURTC Video Collection TAGS: Ed | Hope | Jules | Scott | Trapp To start off the new menu/category item for Videos, here are some blasts from the past. First a true classic from David Hope…
Cambridge Men take Varsity Real Tennis, Cambridge Ladies lose – but a star is born TAGS: cambridge blue | Ed | Freddie | Jamie | Jules | Sophie | varsity | Venetia Cambridge Men emerged victorious at this year’s Varsity real tennis match, which was fought out at Lord’s over two days last weekend. The Ladies team could not repeat the Men’s …Continue reading →
National League Division 4 Final, June 4th 2013 TAGS: Alex | Ed | Jules | Peter At a rather odd time of Tuesday at 11am, the Division 4 National League final took place at Cambridge against MURTC. Cambridge had faced their opponents in the group stage …Continue reading →
Cambridge Weekend, 11th and 12th May 2013 TAGS: Cambridge Weekend | Ed | Graduate Cup | Jules Thrills, spills, a visit to A&E and dinner The Cambridge weekend saw 36 players battling it out in the Handicap Doubles tournament, and a cracking final to this year’s Graduate …Continue reading →
Four men go to Manchester TAGS: Jimmy | Jules | Manchester Jimmy Campbell led a four-man crew off to his home town of Manchester last weekend, April 12/13 2013. The first match on Friday night was an epic show-down between Jimmy …Continue reading →
National League Division 4 at Hampton Court TAGS: Jimmy | Jules | National League Cambridge took its Division 4 team to the surroundings of Hampton Court for their latest National League fixture. At this time in the season it is important to pick up …Continue reading →
Cambridge win the 2013 Field Trophy TAGS: Ed | Field Trophy | Jimmy | Jules | Pol Roger This year’s Field Trophy final was held at Moreton Morrell. The Jesmond team cunningly travelled the night before and managed to get a couple of hours of practice on the …Continue reading →
National League Division 4 v Moreton Morrell TAGS: Alex | Jules | National League As we near the end of the National League season, teams are looking to secure their place in the semi final and final. A win for the CURTC Division 4 …Continue reading →
Varsity Match at Lord’s TAGS: Alex | Freddie | Jules | varsity On 22nd and 23rd February 2013 Cambridge University fought the latest Varsity encounter against Oxford. The men’s varsity match went down to a deciding doubles at Lord’s this year. The …Continue reading →
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