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Graduate Cup KO Rounds TAGS: | Full Results HERE We have our finalists for the 2024/24 Graduate Cup! James Dowson in the dark shorts (above) will play Danny Lawrence in dark longs (below) in the final …Continue reading →

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Finals Day Part 3: Wrap-up TAGS: | | If you have seen enough collages, here is a link to a Google Photos album of the individual photos (and more) which went into the collages above. Please note the …Continue reading →

Finals Day TAGS: | | The first results are in. Congratulations are due to Patrick, Andrew, Aaron, Kate, John and Felicity who will find their names on the Category Tournament Honours Board once we work …Continue reading →

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Drum Roll(s), please TAGS: | | | The first of our Summer Tournaments has concluded with the CU Alumuni taking the honours (pun intended) over the other place’s Alumni. Full results, notably for another Vix, 7-all, 40-all …Continue reading →

Finals Day, Part 3 TAGS: | | | | | | | | | | | Some highlights of the individual finals. First the Graduate Cup final between Cameron Roker and Alex Wright. Alex had a massive handicap disadvantage (banned chases less than 3&4, one serve, no tambour, etc, etc) but started calmly against a…

The Graduate Cup Final is about to begin

Finals Day: The Results TAGS: | | and thanks again to our sponsor: Hannay-Robertson Financial Planning!

Finals Day sponsored by Hannay Robertson Financial Planning TAGS: | | | | | | | Please come along to the club on Saturday (March 16th) to cheer on our worthy finalists. They deserve your support!

Finals Day Images TAGS: | | Following links will open Google Photos Galleries of the individual pictures Finals Day Part 2 CURTC Ladies Championship Thanks again to our Finals Day sponsor Hannay-Robertson Financial Planning and Pol …Continue reading →

Spot the shoes...

Finals Day Wrap-up TAGS: | | | A great day of tennis at the Home of Real Tennis on Saturday. First up were Helena Tunks and Matthew Johnson in the inaugural 70+ Category Final. Both played well …Continue reading →

Finals Day, Saturday March 17th TAGS: | | Yes, CURTC’s Finals Day, sponsored by Hannay Robertson Financial Planning takes place tomorrow starting at 9:30am. There will be 10 finals including two Junior Club Championships, six Category tournament Finals, …Continue reading →

Congratulations to the Graduate Cup Finalists… TAGS: | | | …Donald Fung and Hugh Markus who made it through the Group and KO Rounds to play for the 2018 Graduate Cup on Finals Day Saturday, March 17th, sponsored by Hannay-Robertson …Continue reading →

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The 2017-18 Graduate Cup TAGS: There are some significant changes to this year’s Graduate Cup including dates, eligibility, pricing and groupings for the draw. ***Entries close Saturday 7 October 2017*** The Graduate Cup is the …Continue reading →

Richard Bowers with the newly polished Graduate Cup

The Results are in… TAGS: | | …from the Cambridge Weekend. Congratulations to Richards Bowers, 2016 Graduate Cup Winner, who overcame Chris Eggleton in the Final. Richard clearly gained a totally fair advantage by bringing his Mum …Continue reading →

2016 Graduate Cup Finalists…. TAGS: | …are Chris Eggleton (thanks Chris, I now feel a lot better about my defeat in the Group stage!) and Richard Bowers. Congratulations

2016 Graduate Cup: It’s Started TAGS: Sign-Up by February 19th on the Club Noticeboard (or e-mail our fantastic pros)

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CURTC, Cambridge, CB3 9DJ

Giraffe Club: CURTC Alumni

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