Cambridge Ladies vs Hatfield TAGS: CU Ladies The Cambridge Ladies visit Hatfield…
March 25, 2025
Cambridge Ladies vs Hatfield TAGS: CU Ladies The Cambridge Ladies visit Hatfield…
Newmarket v CURTC Ladies, Sunday, 13th., January, TK reports TAGS: CU Ladies | Newmarket The handicaps were high but so was the entertainment value of the tennis on offer. That it came down to the last game of the day’s last match to leave …Continue reading →
Double Header! TAGS: CU Ladies | Dedanists | RTC CURTC hosted two matches last Saturday. The CU Ladies took on RTC, see Amanda’s match report below while The Dedanists took on CURTC in a close fought match and even …Continue reading →
CURTC Ladies vs RTC Ladies (& Nick) TAGS: CU Ladies | RTC To finish off a gruelling term of exams, the CURTC ladies took on the RTC Ladies in Cambridge on Saturday. Ellie McAleese debuted for Cambridge at 9:00am on the Green court against Alison Cryer of RTC (don’t worry… the wonderful new 2017/18 Ladies Captain, Olivia Chesser, was also at the courts at the start of that early May week hour)
CURTC Ladies vs Middlesex Ladies TAGS: Amanda | CU Ladies Old friends, new friends and epic rivalries continue at Middlesex. On Saturday 18th February the CURTC Ladies’ Team took on MURTC Ladies’ Team at Middlesex Court.
Cambridge Ladies vs HHTC – Match Report TAGS: CU Ladies | varsity On Saturday I returned from my holiday back home in the sunny land of Oz and swapped mornings swimming at the beach for a dark wintery morning trip to the historic Hatfield House. We were welcomed heartily at the door by our wonderful host Martin. After a brief discussion…
CURTC vs BBRTC, 12 December 2015 TAGS: CU Ladies | Linda | Scott | Simon Some familiar faces were on Court on December 12th as the Blue Ball RTC just edged CURTC’s finest, 6-5 in the 3rd set of the deciding rubber as Guy Kirk …Continue reading →
CU Ladies vs CURTC, Saturday 17 October TAGS: CU Ladies Last Saturday the Club saw this year’s first outing of the Cambridge University Ladies against the CURTC. First up was Venetia D’Arcy against Linda Fairbrother. Venetia put up a fierce …Continue reading →
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