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30 Category Final TAGS: | I don’t know what Stephen had for breakfast on Saturday but he was clearly on top form when he reached the Court to play Andy on Finals Day. In wasn’t …Continue reading →

80+ Category Final TAGS: | Congratulations to Marcus and Catherine for ‘serving’ up a splendid inaugural 80+ Category Tournament final. The match had everything: fantastic serving, great shots, not so great shots and some splendid …Continue reading →

Whooops… TAGS: | | | I missed the 20 Category Final from the Hannay Robertson Financial Planning sponsored Finals day report!

Finals Day, Part 3 TAGS: | | | | | | | | | | | Some highlights of the individual finals. First the Graduate Cup final between Cameron Roker and Alex Wright. Alex had a massive handicap disadvantage (banned chases less than 3&4, one serve, no tambour, etc, etc) but started calmly against a…

Finals Day, 2020, part 2 TAGS: | | | | | | | Some action shots from CURTC Final Day sponsored by Hannay Robertson Financial Planning…

70+ Category Tournament TAGS: | | | We have the first pair of CURTC 2020 Category Tournament finalists…

Headbands, Wristbands, Elbow Band and a Cup TAGS: | Congratulations to Charlie D’Oyly (the bearded, bright shoe’d one on the left), the 2019 20s Category Tournament winner by defeating James Thomas, 8-4. This finally ….

Watch the ball

Finals Day: Through the Lens TAGS: | | | | | | A photographic recap of Final day, 16/3/19

Finals Day Report TAGS: | | Months of real tennis tournaments culminated in the CURTC Finals Day Sponsored by Hannay-Robertson Financial Planning. Places on the honours boards in the Green Court Galleries were at stake. Play began on the Green Court with the 50s Category Final between

The Graduate Cup Final is about to begin

Finals Day: The Results TAGS: | | and thanks again to our sponsor: Hannay-Robertson Financial Planning!

Finals Day sponsored by Hannay Robertson Financial Planning TAGS: | | | | | | | Please come along to the club on Saturday (March 16th) to cheer on our worthy finalists. They deserve your support!


20s Complete the Categories TAGS: | Congratulations to James Thomas who came out top of the 20s Round Robin on Sunday…. The Finals Day (Saturday, March 16th, sponsored by Hannay Robertson Financial Planning) roster is now complete and will include…

60s Category Tournament TAGS: | Congratulations to Dave Isherwood and Tony Kennedy who will contest the 60 Category Final on Finals Day, sponsored by Hannay Robertson Financial Planning, on Saturday, March 16th.

70+ Category Tournament TAGS: | Last weekend saw the first of this season’s Category tournaments for those with handicaps of, you guessed it, greater than 70. On Friday evening the 80+ handicappers had their own mini tourney with two qualifying for the Saturday groups. So congratulations to…

Finals Day Images TAGS: | | Following links will open Google Photos Galleries of the individual pictures Finals Day Part 2 CURTC Ladies Championship Thanks again to our Finals Day sponsor Hannay-Robertson Financial Planning and Pol …Continue reading →

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CURTC, Cambridge, CB3 9DJ

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