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CURTC’s 2025 30 Category Tournament TAGS: | | Group matches: Lots of 7-alls and a nail-biting quarter final also going to the last possible game! Semis: 8/7 Josh Elliott beat Colin Clifton-Brown, great match Colin came back from …Continue reading →

CURTC’s 2025 50 Category Tournament… TAGS: | | … was won by James Wilson 8/6 vs Ed Furst despite Ed’s spirited comeback. James finished with a cut volley into the winning gallery! Ed lost to Alan Sharpe in …Continue reading →

CURTC’s 2025 60 Category Tournament TAGS: | | Felicity’s railroad combined with her excellent length game from the hazard end was too strong for the field. She won 6/1 in the semi and final versus Leandros and David …Continue reading →

The Brooke Report on The Bristol Handicap Doubles and The CURTC 60+ Handicap TAGS: | | Hello again. It’s me, Brooke the dog, with a report of the Reviers trip to Bristol last weekend. It’s a long way to go in the the boot of a …Continue reading →

40 and 50 Category Tournaments TAGS: | | The 40’s did battle on Sunday and certainly came up with a photo to rival TK and Felicity RB from the 60’s. Ben managed to play over 93% of the …Continue reading →

1st Weekend of the 2024 CURTC Category Tournaments TAGS: | | | Our first winners are: Carlo Barriga who defeated Jack Zandi 6/3 in the 80+ Handicap Category (apologies, no picture) Mihir Gupta who defeated Ian Glasscock 6/4 in the 70-79.9 Category …Continue reading →

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And we are up to date… TAGS: | …with the Category Tournaments. Bella Harvey bested Rosie Taylor 8/3 following a years plus delay in which both finalists’ handicaps dropped by more than 10 points! So congrats to both …Continue reading →

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Finals Day Part 3: Wrap-up TAGS: | | If you have seen enough collages, here is a link to a Google Photos album of the individual photos (and more) which went into the collages above. Please note the …Continue reading →

Finals Day Part 2: 80+, 40s, 30s TAGS: | | | | Unlike like the 70s final, youthful experience won the day in the 80+ final as Felicity defeated Marcus, 8-2. Having played against (and lost to) both in the last couple …Continue reading →

Finals Day 2022 Part 1, 20s, 60s, 70s TAGS: | | | | We kicked off with the 20s Category Tournament final in bright sunlight (streaming through the windows, I should add) and for just a moment an upset seemed possible as Charlie …Continue reading →

Finals Day TAGS: | | The first results are in. Congratulations are due to Patrick, Andrew, Aaron, Kate, John and Felicity who will find their names on the Category Tournament Honours Board once we work …Continue reading →

20 Category Tournament TAGS: | Apologies but camera and cameraman being in need of a recharge meant that Jacqui kindly improvised a couple of shots from the last final on Finals Day. And here they …Continue reading →

40 Category Tournament TAGS: | Another 8-7 nail biter! This match featured two very contrasting players, underdog Charlie, left-handed, gives the ball a fair old whack and imparts a lot of spin especially on his …Continue reading →

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T&RA Category Tournaments TAGS: | Not had enough Category Tournaments? If  so consider signing up for the T&RA versions. They are in September at various different Clubs (50 at Prested, 30 at Hatfield, the others …Continue reading →

60 Category Final TAGS: | | Another 8-7 classic! TK shot off to an early lead and looked as if he was going to run away with it with a range of measured shots down the …Continue reading →

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