Pol Roger Cup TAGS: Alex | Ed | Jules | Pol Roger Cambridge move on to the semi-finals following a 3-2 win at Moreton Morrell. Thanks to Keith Beechener for the pix!
March 25, 2025
Pol Roger Cup TAGS: Alex | Ed | Jules | Pol Roger Cambridge move on to the semi-finals following a 3-2 win at Moreton Morrell. Thanks to Keith Beechener for the pix!
IRPTA National League Div 1, Thursday Feb 1st TAGS: Alex | Ed | National League Radley visit Cambridge for 1st Division National League on Thursday 1st February. Cambridge currently top the table with Radley in a close second, so this promises to be an exciting …Continue reading →
DofE Reception Doubles Exhibition Match… TAGS: Alex | DofE | Ed | Ed H | Giraffe | Matt …as streamed by CURTC’s Stream Team, Thursday January 18th. The Doubles Exhibition Match featured Ed Kay and Matt Shaw vs Ed Hyde & Alex Evans from broadcast from Cambridge’s 151 …Continue reading →
CURTC’s Stream Team are Back TAGS: Alex | Ed | MURTC | National League | RTC After a frustrating afternoon of set-up yesterday, hopefully the gremlins have been well and truly put back in their box (or wherever gremlins hide when they are not making one’s …Continue reading →
Cambridge @Prested National League, Division 1 TAGS: Alex | Ed | Prested For those of you who don’t follow the excellent CURTC Twitter feed @cam_tennis, Cambridge had a great result last night at Prested. Alex won 6-3 6-3 against Steve Taylor, Ed …Continue reading →
Cambridge vs Petworth House, National League Division 1, Wed Oct 4th TAGS: Alex | Ed | Petworth The Division 1 of the National League returns to Grange Road on Wednesday as Petworth House in the form of Tom Durack & Louis Gordon visit. This year Cambridge are …Continue reading →
Giraffe Club Exhibition Matches, February 10th TAGS: Alex | Claire Fahey | Ed | Jimmy | Scott To kick-of the 1st Giraffe Club Weekend, the Ladies World Champion, Claire Fahey visited the Home of Real Tennis to play against CURTC’s very own Ed Kay. But first she …Continue reading →
Cambridge vs MCC*, Pol Roger Trophy, 11/12/16 TAGS: Alex | Ed | Jamie | MCC | Video Click on the times/links below to take you to the corresponding part of the video. Highlights include the 2nd set of the 2nd Doubles (listen for the banging on the …Continue reading →
The Varsity Captains’ Challenge (and CURTC AGM) TAGS: AGM | Alex | Sophie The CURTC AGM was standing room only (and not because we’d removed all the chairs…). Fortified with some delicious white courtesy of Ken Moody, President George get a rapid review …Continue reading →
CURTC AGM, Thursday April 21st at 6pm: Exhibition Match at 6:45pm TAGS: Alex | Sophie This year, we are doing things a little differently with a special Exhibition Match at 6:45pm as Alex and Sophie play in the Battle of the Varsity Captains. Please mark …Continue reading →
Not the Result We Were Hoping For… TAGS: Alex | Ed | Gallery | Jamie | MCC | Pol Roger …but some high quality tennis (and lunch, thanks to Sue & Duncan) was enjoyed by a full Dedans & Club Room in a great atmosphere as CURTC agonizingly fell short 2-3 against the MCC in the Pol Roger Trophy Semi-Final.
Inter-Universities Tournament, 27-29th November TAGS: Alex | Ed | Freddie | Jamie | Kees | Sophie Kees has given me the low-down on this weekend’s tournament. Most (if not all) of the Varsity squads will be playing including Ed, Jamie, Alex and Freddie and not forgetting …Continue reading →
CURTC vs Jesters, 7/11/15 TAGS: Alex | Jesters | Jules What is/are a Jester(s), you might ask? Well it turns out they a) ‘were founded in England in 1929
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