70+ Category Tournament TAGS: 70+ | Category | Finals Day | Hannay Robertson Financial Planning We have the first pair of CURTC 2020 Category Tournament finalists…
March 25, 2025
70+ Category Tournament TAGS: 70+ | Category | Finals Day | Hannay Robertson Financial Planning We have the first pair of CURTC 2020 Category Tournament finalists…
University Student Cup: Finals & Results TAGS: Giraffe | Pol Roger | University Cup Sunday play began early,
University Student Cup: Part 1 TAGS: Giraffe | Pol Roger | University Cup With the Inter-University tournament moving to March, the past weekend saw the first running of the University Student Cup; a handicap tournament between all of the current Cambridge students. There were new players and old…
NtVM5, More TAGS: Giraffe | NtVM | Oxford | Pol Roger | Unicorn Some pictures of the teams demonstrating exemplary etiquette… …and who got to take home which trophy… …and finally a link to a Google Photos Album with the individual photos and …Continue reading →
CURTC vs Radley, Brodie Cup: Part 2 TAGS: Brodie | Radley Match 1: 30 Singles Neil Stutchbury beat Matthew Alden 6/5 6/2 The first match saw some fantastic tennis between Cambridge’s Stutchbury and Radley’s Alden, “on loan” from Oxford for this …Continue reading →
NtVM5 TAGS: Giraffe | NtVM | Oxford | Unicorn Bit late with this one! Not the Varsity Match 5, the annual Alumni match, saw the ‘Not the Light …
CURTC visit Radley in the Brodie Cup… TAGS: Brodie | Radley …again with, unfortunately, similar results. While we wait for the Match report here are some….
CURTC Christmas Tournament TAGS: Xmas Tournament Christmas wouldn’t be complete without the CURTC Christmas Tournament, would it! So this year’s opportunity to work off some of that Christmas festive excess is on Friday, December 27th. A …Continue reading →
The Cambridge University RTC Student Cup TAGS: Giraffe | Pol Roger The University Student Cup is a showcase of student tennis at CURTC, and an introduction for many new student players to competitive play.
We(s)t Coast Weekend TAGS: Bristol | Oxford Unprepared for the size of the Court and the continuous precipitation outside, 9 of CURTC’s finest were figuratively and physically soaked when visiting the other place on Saturday. Attempts to …Continue reading →
Cambridge vs Newmarket in the East Anglia Pennant TAGS: EAP | Newmarket Many congratulations on yesterday’s win over Newmarket. It was a close contest and very well-fought victory over a strong Newmarket side. First up on the night was Julian who played …Continue reading →
British Ladies Handicap Singles & Doubles Divs 1&2 TAGS: Prested | Vix Congratulations to CURTC’s Jacqui Siu who won the Div 2 Doubles!!Linda made notes so might have a report (hint, hint)… Full Results Photo credits: Vix Harvey
Inter-Club Tournament TAGS: Inter-Club | Leamington | moreton Cambridge was in action in Warwickshire over the weekend at the National Inter-Club Tournament. Ben Geytenbeek played in the singles draw, with David Pimblett and Christie Marrian in the doubles. …Continue reading →
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