Note to Self… TAGS: Leamington A visit to Leamington, on the day when British Summertime starts
March 25, 2025
Note to Self… TAGS: Leamington A visit to Leamington, on the day when British Summertime starts
20-29s Tournament The 20-29s category tournament was held over the last couple of weeks, with just 3 entries (the bearded wonder was incapacitated after his trip to Krakow). In the round robin …Continue reading →
Hampton Court vs Cambridge National League Cambridge’s permier league team travelled to Hampton Court last Friday to take on the team currently topping the table. World number 5 Chris Chapman (who was owing 15) beat Ed …Continue reading →
CURTC Finals day…. TAGS: Category | Finals Day | HRFP …sponsored by Hannay-Robertson Financial Planning Click on the Thumbnails for much larger images!
from the 2017 Pol Roger Trophy Final TAGS: Ed | Pol Roger | RTC Click on the Thumbnails for much larger images!
Pol Roger Trophy Final @RTC TAGS: Ed | Jamie | Pol Roger | Queens | RTC The CURTC Stream Team were at Hampton Court on Sunday for the Pol Roger Trophy Final where the Home of Real Tennis took on the Queen’s Club.
Prested Hall cat ‘F’ Open Championships 25/26 March Prested Hall Real Tennis Club are holding an Open Championship for Category F handicap players, that is players with a handicap from 50 to 59, on the weekend of the …Continue reading →
Pol Roger Trophy Final CURTC will be playing the Queens club in the Pol Roger trophy final, starting at 10am on Sunday 12th March at Hampton Court Palace.
CURTC Finals Day sponsored by Hannay Roberston Financial Planning, Saturday March 18th TAGS: Finals Day Hopefully final schedule…. – All matches on Blue Court 50’s 10:15 Andy Smith vs Johnathan Becher 40’s 11:00 Chris Schramm vs Alex Wright 30’s 11:45 Pieter Van Beesten vs Tim …Continue reading →
CURTC Ladies vs Middlesex Ladies TAGS: Amanda | CU Ladies Old friends, new friends and epic rivalries continue at Middlesex. On Saturday 18th February the CURTC Ladies’ Team took on MURTC Ladies’ Team at Middlesex Court.
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